About this Module
You have a job in your company, but you see another position arise within it. One you want to go for, to move further up the organisation. So what do you do? You apply for the position, and for that application you will need a CV. That CV needs to be sent in with a covering letter, which is the ‘job application’.
According to LinkedIn, your CV, or Résumé, is going to be looked at for six seconds before an initial decision is made. That’s right, that document you spent hours over has just six seconds to impress. It’s about as long as people spend deciding whether they like someone when they meet them. Think of it like that.
So the initial impression your CV makes is vitally important. That means first appearances count. Can someone quickly scan your CV and find the right facts easily?
Your covering letter will draw out some of the CV highlights that best show your relevance, aptitude and skills for this particular post. Remember whoever is reading your CV and letter will be under pressure to fill this place, to fix this problem. Make sure you present yourself as the solution to their problem.
In this module, you’ll learn how to improve your chances so that that busy person flicks through your CV and covering letter, hesitates, then puts it on the very small pile on the left, rather than the discards on the right.
You’ve just passed the first hurdle, and are well on the way to being the answer if not to their prayers then at least to their problems.
On average, this module should take around one hour to read and absorb the lessons, and then one hour per assignment.