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About this Module

This is one of the most difficult actions to get right. And don’t we all know it. We’ve all been on the receiving end of unsolicited emails that offer us services that are obviously not remotely related to what we do; or which are clearly sent out in their thousands with no nod to the individual; or which you suspect are only marginally legal if only in their use of data. 

This course ensures you will not be guilty of any of the above. Instead the recipient will note it’s an email addressed to them, from a person not a faceless organisation, and there seems to be a clear and immediate benefit in opening it right now. 

That sentence makes it all sound quite simple, but as the saying goes, simple is not always easy. But if you are focused from the outset and follow the rules in this course you can achieve your desired result and, more importantly, make someone grateful for the message rather than annoyed. Now that is a good outcome. 

On average, this module should take around one hour to read and absorb the lessons, and then one hour per assignment.