About this Module
Back in the day, company newsletters and magazines were common publications to find lying around offices and factories. They were a cheap and easy way to communicate with the workforce. These days most of the printed publications have been replaced by e-versions, and it’s mostly only larger organisations that now have a company newsletter.
However, the basic need exists: the company must communicate with its workforce in a one-way and sometimes two-way process, and the newsletter fulfils that role.
The move to mainly digital delivery has opened up the way for links or embedded clips of video, audio or other material. This allows a greater level of engagement and has helped keep newsletters a relevant company publication.
If you want to write for such a medium, whether it’s a news piece or more of a feature, you must obey the rules. But, for those not totally comfortable with a medium that can feel perilously close to journalism, the rules can be more of a comfort blanket than a straitjacket.
So, if you’re sitting comfortably, here is all you need to know.
On average, this module should take around one hour to read and absorb the lessons, and then one hour per assignment.