Being told that you’re doing a presentation, whether to 20 or 200, makes virtually everyone feel nervous. It’s perfectly natural and entirely common to feel these emotions, but there are numerous strategies to counter them, including using those nerves themselves. Read on to find out what they are.
Of course, this assumes you’re not an egomaniac who’s simply itching to stand up and be the centre of attention. If you are, then this module is equally for you because we don’t just advise on creating a PowerPoint deck, we help you with the right mindset as well as the tools for the job.
A presentation is a real opportunity to achieve two things. Firstly, you can advance your company’s aims/products/services to a relevant audience. You’re not trying to make your voice stand out from the chorus, yours is the only voice. Secondly, it is a way for you to learn and advance and stand out. Deliver a strong presentation and people remember the message, and they remember you as well, in a very positive light.
On average, this module should take around one hour to read and absorb the lessons, and then one hour per assignment.